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Cub Lectures Index

Lectures are in pdf format. Click left here to download Adobe Reader.

The size of the lecture below is given in KB. The larger size lectures may contain MPEG video clips. Suggest you select your browser tools for allowing PDF downloads directly using Adobe Reader rather than going through the browser preview option. If such a lecture opens in your browser as a preview on a click left, it may take a long time to download through your browser pdf plugin. Thus one may be tempted to browse before the download is complete which can cause problems. When you download direct using Adobe Reader, you will see the lecture appear when the download is complete in just a few seconds and browsing through the lecture may proceed. Even the largest 5326 KB Cub Lecture 2 will download directly in about 6 seconds on a reasonably fast computer. You are allowed to save 1 copy of the copyrighted lecture pdf file on your computer.

Also, click left here to download the Word Answer Sheet.


Cub Scout Lecture 1 - Earning a Physics Award Patch = 287 KB

Cub Scout Lecture 2 - Understanding Sliding Friction =5326 KB

Cub Scout Lecture 3 - More about Mass, Weight, and Time = 4090 KB




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