The Physics of the
Pinewood Derby Book

The Virtual Racing CD


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Axle Polish Compound
Car Construction E-Book

This E-book, on the Virtual Race CD, explains to the Cub/Parent team just how to build the Simple But Fast (SBF) car. There are approximately 50 annotated photographs starting with laying the provided SBF car template on the pinewood block. You may need wood drills and lead "worm" available from Winderby. The lubrication section of this E-book has 4 movie clips along with photographs that give application details.The lubrication materials are available here as our Speed Package.

The PWD car construction relies on materials you have around the house. For example, here is a photo from the CC E-book showing how to weigh a car accurately as you build it using a yardstick. And it shows how to drill perfectly aligned axle holes by hand using masking tape and a few extra wheels.


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